Dr. Karissa Deptula, PT, DPT

physical Therapist

Karissa Deptula started in the field of physical therapy as a Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) with her degree from Sinclair Community College. She continued her education at Miami University with a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Health Promotion prior to receiving a Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Hanover College transitioning to a Physical Therapist. She has been previously working with Beyond Exercise as a PTA developing programs that focus on client specific goals to address injury prevention and optimize their function during daily activities, hobbies, and sport. 

Her passion for physical therapy developed from her kind spirit to help others in their journey to return to their most meaningful craft. During her time as a student DPT and as a PTA, she gained experience in treatments from working with a variety of ages ranging from teenagers to individuals over 100 years old! She participated in many sports growing up including gymnastics, soccer, and competitive cheerleading. 

In her downtime, Karissa enjoys staying active through CrossFit and hiking with her Keeshond, Ruby. She loves to try out new recipes whether it is cooking or baking! She is ready for more traveling in the near future! She is a native of Dayton, Ohio and would love to learn more about Cincinnati!