Use this training chart and the video library below to guide your exercise sessions:
Download the training plan in order to print out.
Windmill 10x
Cossack 10x
Rocking Lunges 10x
Downward dog 10x
Yoga Lunge w/ Thoracic Open 5x
Cat/Cow 10x
Figure 4 Stretch 30-60 seconds each side
Hooklying Knee Drop Stretch 30-60 seconds each side
Butterfly Stretch 30-60 seconds each side
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 30-60 seconds each side
Standing Hamstring Stretch 30-60 seconds each side
Calf Stretch 30-60 seconds each side
Level 1
Level 1 // Part A (core focus)
Gluteus Bridge 10x
Low Plank 10 breaths
Half Side Plank 10 breaths each side
Tall Kneeling Weight Press 10x
Dead Bug 20x
Level 1 // Part B (lower body focus)
Sidelying Clam Shell 10x each side
Sidelying Reverse Clam Shell 10x each side
Hamstring Bridge 10x
Level 1 // Part C (whole body focus)
Sidelying Hip Abduction 10x each side
Quadruped Gluteus Kick 15x each side
High Plank 10 breaths
Banded Squat Hold 10 breaths
Tall Kneeling Band Pull Apart 10x each side
Level 1 NM (neuromuscular focus)
Single Leg Balance 90/90 Eyes Open 10 breaths each leg
Single Leg Balance 90/90 Eyes Closed 10 breaths each leg
2-Leg Snap Downs 10x
Level 2
Level 2 // Part A (core focus)
Bridge March 20x
Low Plank Hip Abduction 10x each side
Half Side Plank Hip Abduction 10x each side
Tall Kneeling Overhead Pullover 10x
Hollow Hold 10 breaths
Level 2 // Part B (lower body focus)
Stand Static Hip Abduction 10x each side
Stand Static Hip Extension 10x each side
Side Lunge 10x each side
Level 2 // Part C (whole body focus)
Banded Squats 10x
Reverse Plank 10 breaths
High Plank w/ Opposite Hip Touch 20x
Dolphins 10x
Level 2 NM (neuromuscular)
Single Leg Balance Soft Surface Eyes Open 10 breaths each side
Single Leg Balance Soccer Ball Halos 10x each direction
2-Leg Snap Downs 10x
Split Stance Snap Down 10x each side
Level 3
Level 3 // Part A (core focus)
Single Leg Bridge 10x each side
Low Plank Reach 10x
Full Side Plank 10 breaths
Tall Kneeling Paloff Press 10x each side
Level 3 // Part B (lower body focus)
Single leg Stand Fire Hydrant 10x each side
Single Leg Stand Donkey Kick 10x each side
Kickstand Squat 10x each side
Level 3 // Part C (whole body focus)
Standing Paloff Press 10x each side
Standing Paloff Chop 10x each side
Reverse Lunge 10x each side
Side Lunge 10x each side
Level 3 NM (neuromuscular)
Single Leg Balance Soft Surface Soccer Ball Halos 10x each direction
2-Leg Snap Downs 10x
Split Stance Snap Down 10x each side
Single Leg Snap Down 10x each side
2-leg jump squat 10x
Ball Skills: Toe Taps
Ball Skills: Side-to-side Control
Ball Skills: Control Dribbling
Ball Skills: Cone Dribbling
Ball Skills: Passing
Ball Skills: Combination Drill
Balls Skills: Box Drill